Full Stack Foundations
You're busy shipping software,
You've got tons of responsibility.
Solving problems with the simplest, most optimal pattern is absolutely one of them.
Shipping quickly is another.
In your rush to get things out the door, you can often skip over many important foundational concepts that would simplify your life a great deal without even knowing it. Even if you've been doing this for a long time, keeping up with advancements in software development is challenging (I promise, you don't have to use display: table to vertically center divs anymore 😩).
This workshop will fill gaps in your knowledge you didn't even know you had and update your mental models for the NOW!
We go through this together, we'll cover modern best practices across the stack:
- Styling
- Routing
- Loading & Mutating Data
- Client-side Scripting
We'll cover a lot of ground, giving you a solid foundation for everything else you do on the web. ⚡
Buy your ticket
Conference & Workshop 3-day pass (Package Price)
Workshop only