Call for Speakers

There are two ways we (a dedicated team with diverse backgrounds) select our speakers: We personally contact many of them because we might have seen previous talks, read interesting blog posts and tweets/toots, or they were recommended by other speakers. The remaining slots are picked from the submissions to this Call for Speakers. We choose them based on how relevant they are to our audience and how well the topic fits in with the other talks.

The call for speakers will close on 16 June. We are looking forward to your submission!

Your audience

Designers and developers with a common mission: To create amazing front-end experiences. From product designers to UX architects, from application architects to UI developers.

Conditions / requirements

  • You need to be available on premise (Zurich, Switzerland) on either of the two conference days.
  • Talk length is 20 minutes, followed by a few moderated questions.
  • Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by us. Additionally, we pay a small honorarium.
  • Your talk will be filmed and made available online.

Submit a proposal

Do you have speaking experience?

Fill out the following form and you will receive feedback within about a month or two. It requires a video of a previous talk (or something comparable, e.g. an experienced speaker vouching for you) so we are able to assess your speaking skills.

Submit proposal Closed on 16 June

Would it be the first time on a stage for you?

Apply now for one of the slots in our Speakers Bootcamp run by Anne Pirkkanen, a highly experienced public speaking coach specializing in tech presentations.

Allow us to assist you in taking your first steps towards public speaking success, and feel confident as you step onto the Front Conference stage with the guidance and support of Anne and our Speakers team.

The outline draft (subject to change):

  • Applications will be accepted until mid-June.
  • Candidates will be selected by the end of June.
  • Welcome session (possibly on premise) sometime in July. The first draft of your presentation needs to be ready when we start.
  • Two online sessions in August. You will need to have time available for homework in between the sessions. Our team will be available on Slack in case you have any questions during that time.
  • Dress rehearsal in the week of the conference (on premise).

The participation is free. As we want to have the possibility to meet in person, it probably makes sense for you to be located in Switzerland or neighbouring countries.

Apply for bootcamp Closed on 16 June