
Our generous sponsors


  • Unic

    We humanise the digital.

    We are convinced that useful solutions for customers only emerge when technology and user needs fuse together. With this in mind, we rely on an open and appreciative dialogue between different perspectives. We put the the needs of the individual at the centre. That’s how we create an environment for innovations, which challenges, connects and inspires.

    We have the big picture in mind: We explore opportunities, we outline scenarios, we design and develop digital solutions, we enrich them with valuable content, we measure, we reflect, continuously evolve the solutions and we ensure scalable operation. Our organisational system holacracy emphasises the personal responsibility of each individual and distributed authority.

    We are travelling in the digital world since 1996. Our 230 experts share a passion for the value added by digital solutions. They are based in Berne, Karlsruhe, Munich, Zurich and in our development center in Wrocław.


  • Hostpoint

    With more than 20 years of experience, Hostpoint is the largest web hosting provider and domain registrar in Switzerland. Hostpoint offers simple solutions from a single source – for domains, websites, online stores, and e-mail. As a leading, ICANN-accredited domain registrar, Hostpoint manages more than 900,000 domain names. With its ultramodern infrastructure and servers located in Switzerland, Hostpoint ensures the stable operation of more than 300,000 Swiss websites and more than 700,000 e-mail accounts every day. With the best support in the industry, Hostpoint provides direct, professional, and efficient customer care in four languages, 365 days a year. The fully owner-operated company based in Rapperswil-Jona (St. Gallen) has 78 employees.

  • LIIP

    Liip expertise is in strategy, ideation, user experience and custom development. Rather than off-the-peg solutions, we offer digital progress: user-centred innovations with a social, environmental and economic impact.

  • Ops One

    Ops One is your Swiss partner around DevOps and hosting services, located in the heart of Zurich. Among our customers are web agencies, public institutions and international companies. We run your application on our highly available private cloud infrastructure in Switzerland or on-premise wherever you want.

    Whether consulting, managed servers, managed Kubernetes or managed applications - Ops One offers individual solutions that perfectly suit your needs. Over 600 Top Level Domains and a highly available Anycast DNS solution complete our offer.

  • OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule

    Die OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule vereint seit dem 1. September 2020 die bewährten Fachhochschulen FHS St.Gallen, HSR Rapperswil und NTB Buchs zu einer starken Fachhochschule in der Ostschweiz und baut zusammen auf über 170 Jahren Bildungs- und Forschungserfahrung auf.

  • smartive

    Complex web applications done right.

  • Zeix

    Think first! Zeix is one of the pioneering agencies for user experience design in Switzerland. Since 2000, we create efficient and user-friendly digital products and processes with your team. User research belongs to our culture as well as asking the right questions to the right audience. Our services include

    • requirements engineering,
    • user-centered design,
    • digital innovation,
    • web development.


  • Puzzle ITC

    Puzzle ITC ist ein etabliertes Software- und Technologie-Unternehmen mit mehr als 20-jähriger Geschichte. An den Standorten Bern, Zürich, Basel und Tübingen (DE) setzen über 140 Members anspruchsvolle IT-Projekte um. Hand in Hand arbeiten Software-Entwicklung, das eigene User-Experience-Studio sowie System- und Container-Engineers zusammen, um Kundinnen und Partner durchgängig von der ersten Idee bis zum Betrieb der fertigen Softwarelösung zu unterstützen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei offene Standards und Technologien rund um das freie Betriebssystem Linux und die Container-Plattform Kubernetes. Sie bilden den Kern der angebotenen Dienstleistungen, von der agilen Entwicklung von cloud-native Software über die im DevOps-Prozess verwendeten CI/CD-Pipelines bis hin zur Automatisierung der verwalteten IT-Infrastrukturen. Unsere Lösungen entstehen nach dem Prinzip “Einmal entwickeln, mehrfach anwenden”.


  • bexio

    bexio is a cloud based business software that gives you everything you need to run your business effectively. With central customer management, order processing and easy bookkeeping, you keep everything in view. From offer to invoice in just a few clicks. Print invoices or send them the electronic way. Upload receipts and book them right away. Give your accountant access, so he can support you online. bexio makes live easier for you.

  • buffer

    Buffer was started in 2010 as a simple way to schedule posts on Twitter. Today we’re honored to be the tool that more than 3 million amazing customers use to easily manage their social media presence.

  • Freshjobs

    Freshjobs is the job platform of the swiss web industry, built from and for web professionals. No matter if you are looking for a new job or talented people to hire, Freshjobs is well known in the community. To ensure quality standards every job offer is checked manually before it gets public.

  • holaspirit

    VUCA describes today’s companies, which are struggling with outdated organizational design, governance, and management models.

    Holaspirit is a platform to support your self-managed organization and design an agile organization in a whole new way. It allows for much more clarity and transparency on who is doing what by defining clear roles and expectations and distributing authority and governance throughout the organization. On top of this roles-based platform, our collaborative apps and integrations will help organizations improve collaboration and performance. Founded in 2016, holaspirit has been adopted by hundreds of organizations in 30 countries.

    Unleash your employees’ potential. Distribute authority throughout the organization. Develop agile practices at scale. For more information, visit: https://www.holaspirit.com

  • SwissDev Jobs

    Our goal is to bring more transparency, openness and diversity to the Swiss IT market.

    We want to make the job search process for Software Engineers more enjoyable by gathering all job postings in Switzerland and presenting them in an informative way.

    Our portal is not only for Developers but for everyone working in the IT industry: Engineers, SAP and System Admins, Product Managers, QAs and UX/UI Designers!

  • Zürich Tourism

    Zürich Tourism is in charge of the destination marketing of the Zurich region and employs professionals in the areas of Markets, Convention Bureau, Marketing, Tourist Service and Finances as well as freelance tour guides.